You can order our products by directly completing this form.  Remember to include the compulsory information (indicated with the star [*]), and the quantity of each product chosen.  You will be contacted for the acceptance and confirmation of the order.  

NOTE: We are not allowed to export out of European Comunity.


Consignee specifications:



Name (*)

Surname (*)

Address (*)

Town (*)

Provincie (*)

Postal code. 

Country (*)

Phone (*)





QT. (Kg.) Product


Lardo di Colonnata 22.00
Pancetta € 18.08
Coppa € 20.66
Crema di Lardo € 25.82
Lowest order 2 Kg.




Out of Italy with Invoice


Cost of Delivery:

The cost of delivery depends on distance and will therefore be specified before the acceptance of the order, by phone or by email.


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